23rd April 2019
ANZAC “we were like rabbits” – every life has a story to tell
Melbourne Funeral Directors Chapter House are proud to present another ‘every life has a story to tell’ with James Arthur Upfield.
Arthur Upfield attended the Marconi School of Wireless in Melbourne. Arthur then joined a wireless company of the 2nd A.I.F in April 1940, when he had just turned twenty.
Leaving Australia, he spent several weeks in India before going to Palestine to complete his training as a specialist. Arthur wrote letters to his parents describing his part in the Lybian Desert campaign – the processions of Italian prisoners en route to Egypt, the dust storms the flies and the general discomforts.
In a letter received by his parents, Arthur tells of his escape into Greece after the ship he was on was attacked. He describes he and his fellow soldiers as ‘we were like rabbits’.
Produced by Chapter House
Editor – Troy Upfield
Narrator – Alex McLennan
Music – Anthem to the fallen – Vlado Hudec