Lidia Di Naccio service 11.07.2023
Lidia Teresa Di Naccio
30.06.1934 – 01.07.2023
A Funeral Mass for the Repose of the Soul of Lidia will be held on Tuesday 11 July, 2023.
St Francis of Assisi Catholic Church Mill Park
290 Childs Road, Mill Park VIC 3082 – click here for directions.
Rosary commencing at 12.30pm
Mass commencing at 1.00pm
Following the mass the cortège will leave for interment at 3:00pm
Preston Cemetery
900 Plenty Rd, Bundoora VIC 3083 – click here for directions.
Mausoleum Building
Following Lidia’s interment the family will welcome guests for refreshments – details to be advised at the service.
For those unable to attend the service will be live-streamed commencing at 12:45pm. click here for livestream.
Banksia Palliative Care Service: For more than 30 years Banksia has provided free home based palliative care for children and adults living with a progressive terminal illness, supporting them in their homes and decreasing their need for hospital visits. Banksia offer compassionate care for their clients, and also offer support for families and carers. This includes support groups, walking groups, counselling, bereavement support and more. In lieu of flowers the family ask you to consider donating to Banksia Palliative Care Service – donate here.
Clergy: Fr. Anthony Girolami
Funeral Director: Troy Upfield
nato l’30.6.1934
a Villamagna (Chieti)
Lidia lascia nel più profondo dolore i figli Frank, Sergio, Rita, nuore Licia e Pierina, genero Guy, i nipoti Melissa marito Harris, Justin moglie Emily, Laura marito Chris, Adam moglie Ellie, e Paul, i pronipoti Staas, Starzia, Sebastian, Alexia e tutti i parenti e amici vicini e lontani.
Il Santo Rosario sarà recitato martedì 11 luglio 2023, alle ore 12.30p.m., nella chiesa di St Francis of Assisi, 290 Childs Road, Mills Park.
La Santa Messa di Requiem sarà celebrata subito dopo, alle ore 1.00 p.m., nella stessa chiesa.
Al termine, il corteo funebre procederà per il Preston Cemetery, 900 Plenty Road, Bundoora.
I familiari ringraziano tutti coloro che sono stati di conforto e quanti parteciperanno ai riti funebri.
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